Dec 28, 2019
For the purposes of this podcast, the critters I'm talking about are the tiger striped nymphs that fall in the stonefly families Perlidae and Perlodidae. Enjoy!
Dec 28, 2019
As I mentioned on the podcast, if you are in the Southern Maine area, on Thursday January 9, we'll be having a fly tying demo at Joshua's Restaraunt in Brunswick, ME from 6 to about 8. Bring your fly tying material if you want (and a lamp) or just come and learn about these insects in person and their imitations.
Nov 22, 2019
Aka Green Caddis, Green Sedges or Rhyacophilidae. A common, easily identified caddis - at least in it's larval stage, that has wonderful behavior that makes it fun and effective to fish. We'll talk about the critter - but also a lot about the flies and the history of the flies that...
Nov 21, 2019
First of all, here are the details on the fly tying night at Joshua’s Restaurant ( in Brunswick Maine, hosted by the Merrymeeting Bay Trout Unlimited. It will be December 5th from 6 to 8. I will bring some examples of these insects and we’ll talk a bit about their lifestyle and habits....
Oct 28, 2019
Welcome to Episode 37 - where we'll be talking about those things that are large enough to see, but to small to really see what they are. things like water mites, daphnia, copepods and ostracods. They may not be too important for actual fly fishing, but they are super important in terms of the food chain. So - sit...